What is covered in this article?
The Communications module overview
The Communications module is your center for managing broadcast communications. Broadcast communications are messages that are sent on an as-needed basis (different from automatic notifications, which are managed elsewhere in the site). You are able to draft an email message and send that message out to hundreds or even thousands of contacts. The Communications module allows you to filter your list of recipients based on many different parameters so that you can provide broad but targeted messaging to your families.
You can access the Communications module landing page by navigating to Communications > Email.
MailChimp and verifying your domain
SchoolMint Connect uses a highly reliable third-party service called MailChimp to deliver broadcast communications.
Verifying your domain allows SchoolMint Connect to send email on your organization's behalf. When a message appears in one of your families' inboxes, the message will look like it is coming from your school, rather than from SchoolMint or MailChimp. Your SchoolMint Connect team member will assist you with the verification process.
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